Flying with an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
from the United Kingdom is feasible with various
airlines. However, it's important to note that as of
March 2021, US airlines are no longer required to
accommodate ESAs on board; this has become optional
at the discretion of each airline. Each airline
enforces different rules and regulations regarding
the carriage of ESAs, including breed, weight, (max
5kgs) and size restrictions.
all ESAs must be accommodated in a cage or travel
bag under the seat during take-off and landing and
on some airlines the whole flight, in adherence to
airline safety policies, with no exceptions. It's
crucial to verify the specific rules and regulations
of the airline you intend to fly with regarding
Furthermore, it's imperative to note
that entering or flying into the UK with an ESA is
prohibited on any airline, except for those
originating from the USA, as no airline holds the
license to transport animals into the UK in the
cabin. Always ensure to check with the airline for
their individual policies and guidelines.